
We greatly appreciate our sponsors, who have helped to make this conference possible. Please check out their tables at the conference, and their Web sites.

Gold Sponsors

Feminists Choosing Life New York, ACT logo

Feminists Choosing Life New York, ACT, is a 501(c)4  non-profit that uses legislative strategies to advocate and educate about publicly sanctioned lethal violence, such as abortion, war, the death penalty, and euthanasia.  Past efforts have included billboards, lobbying campaigns, and legislative awareness.

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Plough Publishing House, founded in 1920, is an independent publisher of books on faith, society, and the spiritual life. Plough is based in Walden, New York with branches in the United Kingdom and Australia.

Plough also publishes Plough Quarterly, a bold new magazine of stories, ideas, and culture to inspire faith and action. In addition, Plough serves up fresh views and insights daily online. (Sign up for weekly updates.)

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Peaceful Solutions

Peaceful Solutions is a non-profit pro-life, pro-peace organization based in Rochester, New York dedicated to helping other local organizations find their voice. Peaceful Solutions is dedicated to raising awareness in the community and beyond. Throughout 2017, Peaceful Solutions will be collaborating with several organizations that align with our pro-peace values and sponsoring 13 billboards – each with an important message.

Bronze Sponsors


Feminists for Nonviolent Choices is a consistent life organization that seeks to open minds to its philosophy of pro-life feminism, the belief that all people, by virtue of their human dignity, have a right to live without violence from conception to natural death.


The Legacy of Life Foundation supports the two crisis women’s centers in Bucks County and Philadelphia, by fundraising to support the financial needs of these two life-sustaining centers.

The unique mission of the centers we fund is the counseling approach used to empower women in an unplanned pregnancy to be free from fear and isolation so that they can freely choose life.

Host Organization


Evangelicals for Social Action serves as a catalyzing agent for Christ’s shalom via projects focused on cultural renewal, holistic ministry, political reflection and action, social justice and reconciliation, and creation care. ESA is based at Eastern University.